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Arc Calculators

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Precision arc calculation app for engineering and fabrication

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Arc Calculators is a specialized application designed to address the needs of various industries and education sectors that require precise geometrical calculations related to arcs. Whether you're in fabrication, engineering, education, or any field that deals with complex shapes, this app is tailored to assist you with a wide array of arc-related computations.

Key features include calculation options for:

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- Arc Length: Determine the length of an arc based on the radius and angle.

- Arc Radius: Find the radius using the arc length and angle.

- Arc Angle: Calculate the angle when provided with arc radius and length.

- Arc Cord Length: Compute the length of a chord for a given arc.

- Arc Tangent Height: Establish the height of an arc's tangent from its radius and angle.

- Arc Depth: Measure the depth of an arc with radius and angle inputs.

- Arc Sector Area: Calculate the area of an arc sector using angle and radius.

- Arc Segment Area: Determine the area of an arc segment through angle and radius.

Fields like process equipment fabrication, piping, pressure vessel construction, heat exchanger manufacturing, and various machining processes find these features invaluable. Accuracy is ensured for designers and engineers interpreting and creating engineering drawings or performing any marking and calculation tasks.

Typical inputs such as arc angle and arc radius are commonly used across calculations, with angles measured in degrees. This seamless input method streamlines workflow, enhancing efficiency.

The ease of use and comprehensive results this platform produces make complex geometric calculations accessible and reliable. It is an essential tool for professionals seeking to ensure precision in their technical drawings and constructions. Whether a seasoned expert or a student mastering engineering principles, it is set to be a staple in an arsenal of utilities.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by LetsFab.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about Arc Calculators Let

Package Name com.pinjara_imran5290.Arc_Calculations
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
45 more
Author LetsFab
Downloads 13
Date Mar 8, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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